Now I'm just falling apart

Before we get to today's puzzle, I have another one to share – in the newspaper!

I'm making my debut in the Universal Crossword, which is edited by David Steinberg and Amanda Rafkin and syndicated in places like the Boston Globe, Seattle Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and, my personal favorite, the Merriam-Webster website (behind a... YouTube ad? sure). 

It's especially exciting to be part of Universal's pride month series, and to have slipped in entries re. my morning drink of choice, Philip Glass, Lady Gaga, public transit, and of course the theme itself, which you might get a kick out of. You can solve it here or download the Across Lite file or PDF instead.

Back to this blog: an extra treat for you! I've been wanting to mess with size a bit more, so today we're playing with a midi-ish 10x15 with cluing inspired by some delightful 7xwords I've been doing recently. Hope you enjoy!